Monday, February 27, 2012




Yes, Mel booked their flight and she will be here on Friday!  Soo excited.  Hubby and I purchased a used infant car seat this week-end so that she will not have to drag and check theirs through the airport.  There is a little store by the fabric store I frequent that I have been wanting to check out for a while now that carries used baby items.  What a wonderful idea.  The car seat we got was in PERFECT condition and soo reasonably priced.  There is NEVER a direct flight from Lubbock Texas to here so she will have a lay over in Vegas.  But she did get one with the least amount of travel time she could find, so that was good.  It takes them almost two hours to get the airport out there, so it really is a LONG day of travel for an adult, let alone a baby.  I pray all goes well for her as she is a "little" nervous to do this all on her own with the baby.  I am looking forward to the day when she has done it so often she doesn't think twice, haha.   Even the fact that she is landing at 5:00 in the evening in the heart of Orange County California (can we say MAJOR traffic) is not enough to even slightly dint my enthusiasm.

We had a quiet week-end and I enjoyed every minute.  Friday night we played cards with my parents.  It was fun in spite of the fact us girls LOST again.  However on Sat. morning my poor mom fell as she was coming back up the steps on their front porch after she got the mail.  She landed directly on her face and broke her glasses and banged up her nose and bruised one of her ribs pretty bad.  One of my younger sisters lives 5 minutes from my mom and so she was able to zip right over to help them out.  They took her to hospital for x-rays via ambulance, though my mom tried to fight them on this.  Better safe than sorry.  She has severe osteoporosis and she is usually always soooo careful.  She is sore for sure, but doing pretty good.  We are all thanking God that it wasn't any worse than it was.  My poor mom.  And my poor step dad was soo upset.

Everything about yesterday was such a good day.  Church services were wonderful.  And we went out to lunch afterwards at Pei Wei where I asked for a gluten free menu and they actually had one.  I had a VERY tasty meal.   However, I was NOT feeling well at ALL last night so I am not quite sure what happened.  I am going to go out to this gal who I got to know pretty well by our old house who works in a health food store by where we used to live and see if she can't recommend me something to try.  She has helped me out many times in the past, so hopefully she will have something for me to try.  I am growing weary of this....sigh.

We are suppose to get rain this afternoon, but what a GORGEOUS week-end we had.  Spring is definitely in the air at least our here in sunny California.  I took a few pics of my Azalea bush on my porch that is just covered in blooms...just thought you should see it!!  Have a wonderful day!

Came across this verse this morning and just had to share,..

Psalm 73:26  My flesh and my heart fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever!


  1. You have adorable grandchildren--all of them. Lucky you.

  2. So happy Sam is coming for a visit! And sorry about your mom! How awful that must have been for all of you. I'm sure you're getting ready for Friday!!! Take lots of pictures!!

  3. How nice that you are getting a visit this weekend. I am sure you are going to have so much fun. Your flowers are beautiful. I love azaleas. I bet you have a wonderful week. I do hope it rains! I am looking forward to it. So far just wind and clouds.

  4. What wonderful news...I know you are so excited. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!!

    The flowers are so glad family is all around to help out with these little bumps in the road that comes with aging...may we all be so blessed at that stage in life.

  5. Yea! You must be over the moon, excited!! Your azalea is gorgeous!!! Have fun with your daughter and her little cutie pie!!!

  6. So excited for you! Hope that Mel has a very easy time traveling. I know how hard it is, and that was with a husband! Do you go the toll roads to John Wayne? We do which makes it much easier, but of course you will hit lots of traffic on the way home. But, that just means lots of time to catch up!

    So sorry about your Mom, the poor thing. Hope she is feeling better soon!

  7. My dear friend, I loved seeing Sam's pic first thing-he is so darn cute!!!
    You had a busy weekend for sure, so sorry the meal didn't agree with you-praying the Lord will give you wisdom on what's causing this. Loved & jealous of your azalea-I do miss ours from Ca. Thankful they have some hardy ones here though-I may have to get one this year. Have a blessed evening and let me know what your friend things; I'm on digestive enzymes too and swear by them.
    Love, Noreen

  8. Hooooray! I know how much you wanted this to happen. I would be dancing about like a nutcase in anticipation. Why do I suspect you are too. I will join you in praying for travel graces on Friday. I'll write it down so I don't forget.

    Your azalea is lovely. We're getting them too.

    And your banner is beautiful too!

  9. Excited for you...that little face is too cute
    Praying that traveling will go smoothly for your daughter and grandson

  10. I had a feeling that was in the cards. Woo-Hoo for you! He just oozes cuteness.

  11. Ooooh, I am so, so happy that Sam is coming up! But not as happy as you are, I'll bet!!

    That azalea is beautiful. It looks just like the ones I have in front of the house ... but mine won't be blooming for another couple of months or so.

  12. I am so happy for you! Nothing like a visit from your Mel and now ...little Sam. How fun!

    I love the Spicy Chicken Salad at Pei Wei!

    Blessings and love,

  13. Oh little Sam coming for a visit! And lovely Mel too. I know you guys will have so much fun. Take lots of pictures! Traveling mercies for them!
    I do hope you get these digestive issues straightened out. I read today that probiotics and digestive enzymes are the way to healing.

  14. What exciting news! I know that you can't wait to have your daughter and this little guy home for a visit. I've said a prayer for the journey and will again as often as the Lord reminds me. Knowing Him, I'll be awake at three a.m. ;>

    Oh it's so hard when our parents fall and get hurt. My grandmother fell often and my father started falling years ago and my mother, too. Just everyone stay vertical please. Have said a prayer for your mother to heal quickly.

    And I hope that you get some answers so that you can feel more comfortable.


I am so glad that you would take the time to comment on my thoughts and feelings, it is such a blessing to me!