Monday, February 20, 2012


Well, everything I have attempted to do today has taken twice the time (or maybe even more) than it should have.  sigh....Why does that always happen when I have so much to do?  My daughter is hopefully (she can't seem to fully commit) to be coming next week, (help me pray she finds the courage to travel alone with the baby) so I am trying to get all my little chores and things out of the way so that ALL of time can be dedicated to playing with Sam next week before the shower on Sat.  I have some sewing to finish up for the shower for my niece, these roots are grey AGAIN, my fingers and toes are a mess, Bible study is on Thursday, I need to do some grocery shopping (and it is turning into a MUCH bigger chore as I look for "gluten free") and I need to work in a day at my mom's.  Think I will make it?  haha....My tummy is doing a "little" better, but I was hoping for a complete recovery by now.  After all it has been a WHOLE week on this diet.  Think I am impatient much? lol  Sat. found us at Donatella's party.  She was starting to come down with something and just wasn't herself, though she did seem to have a wonderful time.  Little Jeffie was sick too so he had to miss the party.   And then Grandma woke up yesterday with a sore throat so I thought I might be joining them, but it is MUCH better (almost gone really) today so maybe all the extra vitamins I take have helped me beat it off.  Too bad they don't work for this stomach.  Does it seem like I am complaining too much?  Sorry.... We did enjoy church yesterday as always.  I put together a little video of the party.  ENJOY.  Remember to click full screen and turn your speakers up.  Oh, and hit escape to get out.

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Hope you all have a good week!


  1. What a special day! The video was just precious. What a beautiful family you have, Debbie. Love that last picture of the little sleeping princess. I am so looking forward to grandchildren.

  2. Precious family memories as always.

    I hope you get to feeling better and she comes...but I remember my first flight with a little one...and even though it was my fourth child I was by myself and it was scary...but she did great and so did I...I felt I had conquered the world

    Healing...stay with it!!

  3. The smilebox video was really cute. I haven't done a smilebox in quite some time...used to do them all the time, it was really fun watching. Hope you all continue to feel better and praying your daughter will make it to see you
    Have a good week

  4. So adorable Debbie, you are WAY more computer savvy than I am, and I think this video was precious!

    Hope everyone is feeling better SOON!

  5. The smilebox show was precious! It looks like a wonderful time, even if she wasn't 100% up to snuff. I hope your stomach starts showing MUCH improvement, and my even bigger hope is that you have your arms full of something Sammy by the weekend.

  6. How on earth did I manage to miss a week's worth of posts from you??? I was sick over the weekend but that is no excuse! Anyway, I'm interested in your stomach problems because I have been having an issue with my stomach for close to 2 years. I think at times it's a medication I'm on and recently stopped drinking my delicious wonderful ice tea that I love and that seemed to help some but then started up again. So I've stopped with artificial sweeteners and thought that was the problem but yesterday my stomach was horrible all day. I'm hoping it's this strong medication I'm on for this throat infection. How did you discover you had an allergy to gluten? Hope you don't mind all the questions!! Loved the pictures of your precious grandchildren. Especially the little girl in the pink skirt. So pretty!!! Enjoy!

  7. That was adorable! Happy birthday pretty girl! I can't believe how old she looks, and I forgot how close in age her and my Madi are! Loved it, looked like such a fun party.

    Hoping that your tummy problems go away soon, that is no fun at all!

    Have a great week Debs!

  8. Hope Mel makes it next week! I have been thinking about going gluten-free, will be interested to hear how it goes for you. I went dairy-free about 5 months ago and it has made me feel so much better!

    Blessings, Debbie!


I am so glad that you would take the time to comment on my thoughts and feelings, it is such a blessing to me!