Outside my window....It is a GLORIOUS day. I thoroughly enjoyed the stormy weather we had all week-end though. Soo different for So. California. It rained BUCKETS here on Sat. especially. We had some thunder and some hail too. It began to hail yesterday just as we were leaving church so everyone scurried to their cars quickly. I somehow ended up with all 3 of my grandkids in the car with me for a little while, in addition to 2 of their little friends. The hail was pounding on the roof of the car and they were all soo fascinated by it. Little Tella especially. Her eyes were as big as saucers, haha.
I am thinking.....that it is soo amazing that it is almost Easter time. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Spring and all it brings. The blooming flowers and trees. The cool breezes blowing in the window, and yet the still occasional shower storm.
I am thankful for....sooo much. I was thinking about all that this morning during my devotional time. Thankful for the rain yesterday, the sun today, the birds chirping, my cozy warm house, my hubby, my kids, my grandkids, and for full busy days. I could go on, but you get the drift.
In the kitchen....not much going on there yet, haha. I will be heading out to the grocery story though after lunch, and plan on getting everything I need to make chicken fajitas for dinner. Of course I make mine without the tortillas. I am STILL doing the gluten free diet, and I am not fond of corn tortillas. Besides, I like the insides the best anyway.
I am wearing.....baggy, comfy jeans, and a long sleeved warm yet light weight knit top that it is multi-colored blues and greens. I am still wearing my slippers too. It was really chilly after my shower this morning, haha.
I am creating....a rag quilt. Still in the EARLY stages but I am quite excited about it. More on that later.
I am going....SOMEwhere everyday the rest of this week. Tomorrow I have a nail appointment and a doc's appointment. Wed. I will spend the day at my mom's as she has a lot of errands she needs to run. Thursday is Bible study with the women, and Friday I am to do an upper GI series. DREADING that day I am not going to lie. But I need to get this taken care of. It is getting REALLY old. I do have some days that are not bad at all which is an improvement I guess, but I just want to be done with it. But that's another story, and another post.
I am wondering.....MANY things, haha. Let's see...I will try and share a few. I am wondering how it is that I am soo blessed, when I don't deserve it, I am wondering what the results will be of the testing I am doing for my tummy, I am wondering how long it will be before we will be able to make a trip to New Mexico to see Mike, Mel & Sam, I am wondering what a friend of my daughter's baby will be...she is having her test to find out this morning. Guess there is always MUCH to wonder about. Glad some things are definite and never have to be wondered about, such as God loves us and is on His throne, and all is in His capable hands.
I am reading.....I am just about done with the 3rd book in the Chronicles of the King series called Faith of My Fathers. It has been soo good that I can barely put it down. I honestly just can't imagine how hard it would have been to have lived through some of what went on during that time. And yet, so much of what goes on in other parts of the world even today is just as scary. One thing I think is hammered home over and over and over again is the importance of blessing Israel. They ARE God's chosen people. Gen. 12:3 I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed. I am also reading through the book of Acts right now. And, still studying James.
I am hoping....again, MANY things. But probably at the head of my list today is that my hubby closes a deal he has been working on now for a few weeks. He works soo hard, and I love to see his hard labor pay off.
Around the house....It is quiet here today. Oh, except for the sound of the birds chirping, the clock ticking, the dish washer and washing machine and dryer running, and Elvis alerting me to others out for their morning walks. ; )
A favorite quote for the day....most of my favorites are in the Bible...but picking one of my "other" favorites came from Bill Cosby...."I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody." Is that true or what?? haha
One of my favorite things....Is looking at pics of my grand kids, haha....And here are a few for you to enjoy...
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Hi there, I loved reading this! I don't know whether you have Qudoba restaurants where you are but here you can get what's called a "naked chicken" bow-that has all the mixings-beans, rice, chicken, salsa, avocado etc in a bow without the tortilla-it is soooo good. Love your grands.
ReplyDeleteHave a relaxing afternoon.
Love, Noreen
Loved this post! I do enjoy the Simple Woman's Daybook. I haven't done one in a while, and I'm not sure why not since most of my posts have been full of randomness these days. ;-)
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing the photos of your grands ... they're all simply adorable!
Such sweet faces!!!! Love it!!
ReplyDeleteThis is one of those posts where I kept thinking of stuff to say as I read it, almost as if we were having a conversation. I love posts like that.
ReplyDeleteThe quote from Bill Cosby hit home to me this morning. I've been very convicted lately of my disease to please and people pleasing personality.
I could't agree more with what you wrote in RED about blessing Israel.
I will write down your test on Friday so I don't forsake you and forget to pray in advance of it. I am believing for an answer and a solution for you.
And last, your grandchildren are all so adorable. The last shot of your cute little poser is just plain gorgeous!
Hi Debbie,
ReplyDeleteSuch a fun post, I always want to play along. Great pics and the grandkids are getting so big.
Little Sam seems to be such a happy little guy. Stacy is due in October and we are hoping for maybe a boy...but hey, it doesn't really matter as long as they are healthy and happy.
Enjoy your day.
Hey Debbie! As always, your grandkiddies pics are just precious! Oh, and the Bill Cosby quote is great!
ReplyDeleteHope you're having a wonderful week!
Hugs and Blessings!
When I make chicken fajitas I eat them without the tortillas also. Always looking to watch how many carbs go in this body. The pictures of your grandkids are adorable. I love the Curious George. Michael had a similar stuffed animal in 1st grade and he was forever coming home with him. At first it was the best behaved student was able to take him home over the weekend and then Michael was showing up with the stuffed animal more and more and I finally asked him was he really that good all the time and he said, "No, but nobody else wants to take him home so I volunteer." I'll be praying for you tomorrow for your study. Hopefully it will help discover what is going on in your stomach! Enjoy your day!
ReplyDeleteDebbie, this is such a treat for me, I always enjoy reading the Woman's Daybook. I feel as though I am right there with you.
ReplyDeleteI can just see those grandkids in that car,it really says how much they love and adore you and your dh. Your family is beautiful, since knowing you it has been a joy seeing them grow, and very fast I might add. ~smile~
Enjoy the rest of your week, it looks like a busy one.