Thursday, March 8, 2012


Well, I imagine you know what I am going to post about?  haha  Here is how Sam has taken a few of his naps this last week.  Comfy and cozy on Grandma's lap...


We are all doing MUCH MUCH better.  Truthfully, not totally 100%, but good enough to enjoy things now.  WOW, what a stomach virus that was.  A total of 15 people in our family came down with it.  How ridiculous huh?  Can we say contagious?  I soo appreciate your prayers.  Both my parents and Sam escaped and I can't begin to express how grateful we all were.  A small consolation over the whole thing was that Melody will spend 4 extra days here as a result.  She is spending the day today with Mike's mom and sister.  I am soo glad that they got a chance to see him too.  I decided to take advantage of the time to go through some of my pictures and get this up.  And we still have ALL DAY tomorrow to enjoy.  They will fly home Saturday morning.  Mike has really missed his little family.  I am so grateful he is always so willing to share them.  Too bad getting away from the dairy is so hard.  They did skype a couple of times and that was nice.  My tummy is acting up REALLY bad again though so my doc has ordered an upper GI.  Not exactly looking forward to that, but am looking forward to figuring out what is going on.

Mel and I made a trip out to Babies R Us yesterday when we were finally feeling up to it, and had a good time shopping around for Sam.  She does not have one anywhere near her, so it was a treat for her.  We did get him some cute clothes and a couple new toys including a baby Einstein video.  He LOVED it!  The baby has been soo good, and has slept soo well, and my appreciation for that is through the roof as well.  Even though we had to endure the stomach flu, I am soo glad to have had this visit.  I am already kind of dreading them leaving, but I know home is where she belongs.  So I will "move along" as I always tell my kids, and look forward to the next time, and in the meantime I have soo many others that fill my heart I've really no reason to complain.  I will now post a few (and trust me it was hard to narrow them down haha) of my favorite pictures, and a video of the shower.  I realized as I was putting the video together that my pictures were kind of random at times and I didn't get any of my sister and not many of my niece.  I think I spent a GREAT deal of my time holding baby Sam, not taking pictures...Oh well, first things first right?







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I am sorry I haven't gotten around to visit much.  I've missed you all.  I will catch up soon I promise.    : )

Just a quick side note on the Zoo cupcakes.  Diane found them on Pinterest and she and Melody and I decorated them the night before the shower and had soo much fun doing them.  Not nearly as difficult as I thought they might be.  The memory of getting everything ready the night before was a GOOD one, and not one I will be forgetting soon!


  1. Soooooooo glad to see this, I have been praying that little fellow didn't catch it...and so glad you had more time with him. Fun shower...they will never be the same with Pinterest! My boards are loaded with food and craft ideas.

    Take care

  2. Tis little guy is such a cutie pie...I would be holding him all the time too. Glad the virus is out of the house and everyone is on the mend. Will be keeping you in prayer for your stomach issues. Continue to enjoy your time with your daughter and Sam

  3. I'm so glad to read that you are at least some better, though not 100%. I'm sooo glad that both your parents and baby Sam were hedged away from it. I love all of your pictures, but my very favorite... hands down... is the grandmas snuggle one.

    I really do hope and (more specifically) pray that the GI gives you the key to solving all the stomach problems.

  4. So glad that everyone is on the mend now and that your parents and Sam were spared. Praying that the upper GI will identify what is going on so your doctor will be able to determine a treatment plan that will give you relief. Enjoy your last days with Mel and Sam!

  5. i can't believe how many people in you family
    caught that terrible bug! so happy you are
    all feeling better.

    what a precious, blessed baby!

  6. That is terrible, 15 at once? Oh my gosh. I am glad everyone is on the road to recovery, I am glad your Mom and Sam didn't get it.
    Isn't it nice to get to be a granma and hold those sweeties? You look like just the right kind of grandma.
    Such sweet pictures. I can't believe how much he has grown.
    I hope you keep on the road to getting well, I will be praying still.

  7. Hallelujah, you guys are feeling better! Sounded just awful.

    The pic of Sam sleeping just does me in. I can't resist a sleeping baby.

  8. What beautiful pictures! Love all the burp cloths you made! So sorry you all were so sick! Sounds just like what I had. I felt like your daughter and though it was the sickest I've ever been. I could not get off the bathroom floor! Hope things are getting better and that Sam did NOT catch it! Enjoy your weekend!

  9. He is so sweet! Thank heavens you are all feeling better! What a bad flu!!!!

  10. Hi Debbie, So very thankful that Sam didn't get sick! Glad that Mel is staying until tomorrow. I think you look adorable with Sam in your arms-you look so young! Have a blessed weekend my dear friend.

  11. These pictures are so precious! The stomach flu is making it's circle here too. So nasty! I am thankful Sam didn't get sick. Hopefully you are all feeling much better now. Thanks for sharing your heart and your pictures on these posts.

  12. Priceless photos of little Sam! And I don't think you had a silly grin....I think you look like the happiest grandma in the world!!! :))))))

  13. Good to sit with you a while yesterday and today and catch up! Your pictures tell a story all their own, so much joy and happiness revealed in these. I'm glad for your visit with Sam and that everyone is feeling better these days.

    Blessings and peace to you as you move toward the Easter cross! May the peace of Christ rest upon you as you seek to discern his voice in this season.



I am so glad that you would take the time to comment on my thoughts and feelings, it is such a blessing to me!