Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Here it is again, time for Hodgepodge.  As I was doing this weeks questions I thought to myself how much time does everyone take to do this?  I usually just sit down and type out the first answer that comes to my head.  But then I have found myself coming back later or reading others answers and wondering to myself why I wrote what I did sometimes....Soo me.  This is just to let you know that some of the questions this week I think I may have over thought, lol.  You can join the others HERE

1. William Shakespeare's birthday is celebrated on April 23rd...when did you last read Shakespeare? What's your favorite Shakespeare play?   Oh my...I haven't read Shakespeare since high school I don't think.  My favorite was probably Romeo and Juliette, though I did enjoy Midsummer Nights Dream too.

2. What food(s) would you recommend a foreign visitor try when they visit your home country?  I guess that would depend what country they were from....for instance if they were from Italy I would NEVER suggest pizza.  But if they were from the Middle East, maybe I would....Taco's would be another suggestion, but not if they were from Mexico, haha.  You get the drift.

3. What's a lie you often tell yourself?  I like to think I used to tell myself WAY more lies when I was young.....such as....I will weigh what I weighed when I married NO MATTER WHAT the rest of my life.  But now I am much more likely to tell myself, You can't lose weight so why try?!  Both lies of course.   ; )

4. What's something you're good at that might surprise us? Remember this is a family friendly blog!  I am surprisingly good at bowling on the  I have been known to beat my hubby and my sons.  AND! I play a mean game of ping pong too.  Not that I beat everyone with this game, but I am much better than I think most people think I am going to be!  Afterall I am a 57 year old grandma,  lol

5. Who is your favorite animal character from a book?  Peter Rabbit.  LOVED those Beatrix Potter books. 

6. April showers bring May you have a green thumb?  ABSOLUTELY not....I can hardly grow a thing without killing it.  Even when I research how to do it and try REALLY hard.  I am just not good at it...sigh.

7. Speaking of rainy days...which one of the following activities would you most want to spend time doing on a rainy day-

sort photos and create albums
bake cookies
read a good book
hold an all-day movie marathon
organize closets, cupboards, or bookshelves
try a new recipe
fix something that needs fixing

Well lets see.....AGAIN it might depend on my mood.  Because sometimes I would pick a good book for sure.  But sometimes it might be a movie marathon.  Other times I could easily be talked into trying a new recipe or baking cookies.  I would have to be forced to sort photos and make albums, or oganize or fix anything.  Hmmmm seems like it looks like I am a gal who likes to relax and eat...doesn't sound very good.  But I guess the question was what would I MOST like to do, and I think it would be read a book.  Nothing quite tops this for me MOST of the tine.

8. Insert your own random thought here.   Speaking of books, I just finished the latest one in the Bailey Flanigan Series by Karen Kingsbury.  I LOVE this author and have read everything she has ever written (I think anyway).  She touches my heart and has me in tears almost every time.  This one did not disappoint and made me live over in my mind getting ready for Melody's wedding and all the wonderful and overwhelming emotions that season in my life brought.  There are 4 books in this series, and again, really good.  


  1. Fun post....agree on the lies, now shouldn't we tell the father of lies were to go? Rainy day...agree there also. I haven't read any of her books, but should try it, I am so bad about reading fiction, but just finished the Language of Flowers and enjoyed it.

    Have a wonderful week...praying for you as you go through this season of change.

  2. I'm always looking for new books to read ... I'll have to check out some of Karen Kingsbury's work.

    I like to play tennis on the Wii ... I'm not very good, but it's fun. I haven't played in a long time ... I think it's time to get out the Wiimotes and play!

    I know that at times, I wait and see what others have written for their Hodgepodge answers ... especially when I'm drawing a blank (which happens more often than I'd like to admit - ha!).

  3. It's always fun to read your responses. It helps me to get to know you even better. :)

    I would look forward to a rainy day right now. It's been so hot already in Phoenix; triple digits. If I weren't working, I'd curl up with a good book.

    Blessings and love,

  4. I like when you said as we get older - we don;t have to worry so much - things change - right? Freedom to be ourselves. sandie

  5. you seem like such a fun person! wish
    you were my neighbor! :)

  6. It is always nice getting to know you better through the questions. I am amazed you are good on the Wii I am not. :)
    So I am totally impressed.

  7. I need to find those books you mention. I have bought them for others, but have not read any myself! Have a great day Debbie!

  8. My goodness, we're so much alike. We tell ourselves the same lies and grow the same plants. We both like K. K. books.

    But now... BOWLING? Oh no. Not on a Wii, not in a tree. Not in a lane, not in a plane...

  9. I always enjoy your Hodgepodge Wednesdays,. I agree about serving something different to a person from another country, after all they get their food any day. Agree about the weight thing. though I feel mine is going to be an ongoing battle, and haven't played ping pong in years, though I enjoy it.yes, yes, Peter rabbit is my favorite, I guess because I relate to him.... Always getting in to trouble. lol
    Enjoyed this so much, enjoy your day.

  10. Hey Debbie! It's great to learn more about you!! You're a joy!

    How's that grandbaby? Wonderful, I'm sure! When do you get to wrap your arms around him again? I can't believe little Hannah is almost 1!!!
    Where has the time gone? How old is Melanie's now?

    Hugs to you, sweetie!

  11. Hey Deb! Luv this list. And #3.....ditto, ditto, ditto :)))
    I'm on the Mayo Clinic diet and doing quite well actually (miracle)...Lost about 14lbs so far and sticking with it! Can't even see reaching what I weighed 35 yrs ago. BUT (no pun intended) I'm taking each lb lost as a succes and hanging in there one day at a time :))

    Hope you have a wonderful week!




I am so glad that you would take the time to comment on my thoughts and feelings, it is such a blessing to me!