Thursday, May 10, 2012


So many different things have gone on this week that it is hard to know where to start or what to share.  First, I guess I did take my poor mom into the doc's this week as she just has not been doing well.  She has been reduced to walking around only with a walker as she is soo unsteady on her feet, and has also been disoriented and confused WAY more than she had been just 3 weeks prior.  She is utterly exhausted all the time, and falls asleep at the drop of the hat.  She was constipated and just totally frustrated with how she was feeling and going more and more down hill in such a rapid way.  Who could blame her, right?  Personally I felt she was WAY over medicated, but she has soo much else going on in her life what with her husband dying and all, it is just a HARD HARD time for her.  It is soo hard to know what the right thing to do is.  I have prayed for wisdom daily for quite a while now.  Anyway, I took her to the doc's on Tues. and he took her off her latest prescription completely and will continue to adjust them until she is feeling much better.  It is so hard because what helps one patient, may not help the next at all.  It is a lot of trial and error.  My mom seems to be doing a little better these last couple of days so guess we will see.  My own personal testimony is that I believe in medicating only when ABSOLUTELY necessary, and maybe even at times letting just what will be, be.  I don't think your quality of life should be so altered that you can't bear it, just so you are given more time.  On the other hand, I don't want to ere on the side of not doing everything we can do to help her either.  I just pray we figure out the right balance so that my mom can live the rest of her life out feeling the best she can possibly feel.

On a completely different story my heart has been hugely burdened by a story that is currently going on.  It seems that a former pitching coach that Melody had for 3 years has been arrested in a sexual molestation case.  Melody played travel softball for years, and spent a few of them pitching.  To pitch at that level usually requires a personal pitching coach, and hundreds of girls over the years have gone to this man for lessons.  We knew him on a much more personal level as well as we had been to their home for dinner on a few occasions and and he and my hubby both went to Nebraska and had that bond together even though he is seven years older than my husband..  They traveled together to Nebraska once for a football game and had a wonderful time.   I guess I am just in shock.  His bail is set at 2 million dollars and there are 15 counts against him.  No one seems to be certain if all of these counts came from one girl or a few.  They did say the girls (as in plural) were between the ages of 14 and 16.  Which again seems to indicate more than one.  But I have heard many rumors (which of course always fly around) that it is only 1 girl.  I am just so sad for everyone involved.  I wish I could say that I have faith in a justice system that will get to the bottom of this and that if he is indeed guilty he will be locked up where he needs to be.  And if he is not?  How can it possibly be that we live in a society where someone could possibly make something like this up?  But some are saying this girl was dropped by him (he has dropped many girls over the years as he only took the best as there were so many who wanted to use him) and she and her family are seeking revenge.  I guess I shouldn't judge.  I don't know the facts.  But i just can't believe anyone could or would do such a thing.  The whole thing is just so sad.  What a fallen, wayward world we live in.

I should probably put these stories in separate posts as they are soo unrelated and long, but I won't have any more opportunities between now and Sun so sorry, they are all going in one, haha.  I personally have such a hard time with LONG random posts.  Not because I don't enjoy reading them etc., but because I have soo much to comment on I can't remember everything, or make my comment to long.  Hope I haven't done that to any of you.  I also feel sometimes that maybe I make my posts too personal and share too many emotions and situations.  But I guess it is just the way I am.  Plus, if you REALLY knew all I DON'T share, haha, you would know it is really not that bad.

Melody recently had Sam's picture taken professionally for the first time.  She has been waiting (somewhat patiently haha) for weeks to get them back.  She finally did.  They are quite darling so I want to share them with you.  He is 6 months old in these pictures.






I am excited for her to celebrate her first mother's day, but I do wish she was here so she could celebrate it with me too!  : (   Does that sound whiny?  On the other hand it will probably be a difficult one for Larissa, and my heart is still heavy for her.  Thank you so much for all of your kind words and encouragement and prayers about this.  I appreciate it more than you know.  We are still firming up our plans for mother's day, but whatever we settle on I am really looking forward to it.

I am wishing all you moms and grandmas and special Auntie's and loving women a WONDERFUL WONDERFUL Mother's day.  May your day be full of joy!


  1. I will be praying for your mom, such a difficult time for her. I also believe the less meds you take the better off you are but of course there has to be that balance What I have seen happen is one med will be prescribed for something the patient will have side effects, then something else will be prescribed for the side effects etc etc Gets to be a vicious circle. Hoping she begins to fel better soon. And hope you have a nice Mothers Day...and Sam is adorable as always...gotta love those eyes

  2. Debbie, I came here and started to comment and then realized that I had missed the previous post.

    Of all posts to miss. I'm sorry.

    I'm going to combine comments in this one because I'm so very sad about the loss of the baby and how James and Larissa must be feeling right now. My heart is doubly tendered because it happened so close to Mother's Day.

    I always pray very specifically on Mother's Day for those for whom the day will bring a personal pain that other's might not see. I will be lifting her by name.

    I hated to hear that your mom is going so downhill and I totally agree with you about medication. I hope that they can wean her off any thing that is doing more harm than good!

    And I'm horrified about the coach. I feel exactly as you do that we have to be careful for truth and justice in these cases. They scare me, no matter what the truth is. They also make me so very sad.

    And I'll end this hugely too long comment on a happy note.

    And that note is: The Pictures are precious!

    (Sorry this is so long.)

  3. Debbie
    I will be praying for your Mom's health and Larrisa(i just read about her losing the baby).
    I do hope your friend isn't found guilty! I've seen this happen before-where someone was falsely accused just on the word of one young girl. It's scary to think something like that can happen.
    Oh, the photos of Sam are so sweet.
    Does that little guy ever cry? He is always looking so happy.
    Take care-Kimberly

  4. Wow what a week! You poor Mom and I really, really hope those charges are wrong. That is so scary.
    Sam's pictures are just great. You have so many great things going on mixed in with the hard things.
    I will continue to pray for you all.

  5. Hi sweet friend, Thinking of you today, especially James and Larissa.
    I so remember working on balancing meds with my dad. Sending love your way and hopes for a wonderful Mother's Day.
    Hugs, Noreen

  6. Debbie, I sure hope that they can get your Mom's meds situated to make her more comfortable. That is so hard. Also, I will be hoping that the coach/friend is found not guilty of these charges. And lastly, your sweet little Sam is just adorable. How time flies! Hoping all of you have a wonderful Mother's Day!!
    : ) Kris

  7. I'm praying that you all can get the meds straightened out for your mom ... that you can find the right balance for her.

    What a scary, scary story about your friend ... I don't know what's more frightening: that he did it or that someone is so evil to accuse someone of such a horrible crime that he didn't commit. Either way, I suspect his life will never be the same.

    Wishing you a happy Mother's Day.

  8. Prayers for you and your family. Thank you for sharing your heart. We're going through similar things with my mother in law.

  9. Oh, my heart hurts for you as you care for your Mom. It is just so stressful at times and I find myself often thinking, this could be me one day. Oh my!

    Yes indeed we do live in such a messed up, fallen world and it is sadder than sad. It must grieve our Lord unbelievably.

    Sam is just plain adorable!!

    A joy filled Mothers Day is wished for you.

  10. I will continue to pray for your mom, and your step dad, Debbie. I am also saddened to read of James and Larissa's loss. I will be lifting them up in prayer too.

    You really have had a lot on your plate, and I am praying for you too!
    This is so sad about the coach, and we have had similar incidents here in our town with men we knew personally too, and this really hits home very hard.

    On a lighter note, Sam is one beautiful baby! I want to wish you, Mel, your Mom, and all of the ladies in your family a most blessed and Happy Mother's Day.

  11. That child is so cute! His mama was very smart to let him in the tub to have a little fun since his heart was set on it.

    I've been catching up here so am a bit confused by which post I'm commenting on. I was sorry to hear about the loss and I pray comfort for all those concerned. I am glad that your mother is doing better without so much medication. It's not an easy time of life for her with her own illness and her darling husband's. May God give them all the grace and mercy needed to get them through.


I am so glad that you would take the time to comment on my thoughts and feelings, it is such a blessing to me!