I have been so absent from the blogging world, that for the first time I see how it is that people just suddenly stop, and you never hear from them again. I have NEVER understood it, but I kind of do now. To top it all off, I can't seem to work things here on my blog page like I did before the changes. My blog suddenly shrunk down to the regular sized screen rather than the wide. I have been able to figure out how to get it to widen, but no matter what I try I can't get my header pics to widen as well. I am sure I have to mess with the html and I realized some one did that for me before, and I have no idea how to do it on my own....sigh. And then (since I am on a roll complaining) the picnic picture thing is closed down and I am sure there is a new one you are all using, but I have no idea what it is. I am feeling left out and left behind. haha.
I have been sooo busy trying to get things done at my mom's and here to move her in etc., it has seemed to take up my every moment. But before I get to that, I will TRY to catch this blog up with what has been happening.....
The funeral service for my step dad went very nicely. Thank you soo much for your prayers and support. Melody and Mike and Sam did make it out for the service, and the baby just couldn't have been better. What a sweetie he is. He is getting soo big. Grandma loved on him and enjoyed him every single second she got. They did not arrive at our house until 9 pm with delays etc. and we left to take them to the airport at 6:30 am on Sat though, so they were not here long. My mom did well, and has had her moments of course, but she is moving along OK. James made it back from Israel in time for the service as well, and Jeff and I spent alot of time with him after church on Sun hearing all about the trip. I am sure there will be more stories to hear as times goes by, but I am soo glad we got to hear what we did. You can imagine my horror though when I heard that the first couple of days they were there, that the city they were in is getting fired on by rockets from the Gaza Strip every day. He literally had to run to bomb shelters a few times! He talked about how hard it would really be to live in such a way all the time. He met with and talked to some Christian families living there and heard their incredible testimonies. They are willing to live and die if necessary this way, and would consider it an honor to have done so. The Christians over there who are trying to evangelize both to the Muslims and the Jews are in real physical danger everyday. We must double our efforts in praying for God's chosen people. How blessed we are to live here in the United States where we are free to worship our God as we want to. We are not arrested for spreading the Gospel. We gather in our churches and sing songs of praise and worship without fearing we might be bombed. We can send our children off to school everyday, not worrying that they might not make it home due to an unexpected rocket attack. I love the 4th of July. It has always been one of my very favorite holidays. I am a flag waving, patriotic music loving gal who loves America with all of her heart. And as we gather all over this great country today with picnics, bbq';s, and awesome firework displays, I am praying that God will continue to bless the USA! Hope you all have a wonderful holiday!
Have a lovely day with your family.
ReplyDeleteI am glad things are going better now. I know what you mean though how people just disappear. I am glad I knew what was going on with you.
I will keep your family in my prayers. I sure have thought about you a lot.
Happy 4th of July to you too,Debbie! I am so glad that your mom is doing well, I have thought, and prayed for you and her so often lately!
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed your patriotic thoughts I am so thankful too for our freedoms here.
I am also glad that James got to visit Israel and meet fellow Christians there. He will indeed have lots to share with you. Recently I was going through some old photographs of my visit there and it renewed my spirit. Israel holds so much for us as Christians!
Enjoy your day and be blessed.
Hearing about James' experience in Israel causes me to pause and consider how very fortunate we are in the US. And yes, we do need to pray. I wrote about praying for our country and even our President today. But Israel must be included, along with so many people who are risking their lives to share the Gospel. And I think of all those who do not YET know Jesus as their personal Savior. Too many in my own family are still there too which saddens me.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad that the service went well. I was thinking of you and praying for you. I can just picture you with little Sam. What a treasure and I'm sure you wish he lived closer. That's how I feel about little Kenzie. My niece has begun posted daily photos for me on Facebook but there's nothing like feeling them in your arms and kissing those little cheeks.
Sending you a hug,
Sometimes we all need a breather from the blogosphere, but it's always good to hear from you when you're able to reconnect.
This was a great post that literally quickened my spirit as I read it. YES and AMEN. How easily we stand and "boldly" sing of the Savior in this country with no thought to those who take their lives in their hands just to proclaim him Lord.
ReplyDeleteWe must keep interceding for God's chosen people and reaching the world with His wonderful gospel.
And on a blog note:
I *get* what you're saying too. I just couldn't get the groove back for a while, then I thought I was getting it back... then I lost it again. Just call me grooveless.
This is what I have discovered for me: When I "can't" seem to blog, I step away completely for some reason. Yet, every time I step back in and start to visit and read, I get the inspiration that I was lacking all along. Make sense?
Anyway, I sure hope you don't ever just stop and fade away. I would miss your blog. Maybe we should form a blond Debbie support group. Ha!
Just sayin'...
Your blog looks ok on my computer. Glad you were able to spend a little time on your blog ... miss hearing from you (although I understand that with all you have going on, there just wasn't time to spend on the blog).
ReplyDeleteGlad to hear that your step dad's funeral service went well ... and that you got in some loving on Sam (even if it wasn't as much as you would have liked).
Glad everything went well with the funeral and your children were all able to be there for you. Loved the stories of Israel! Keep them coming!
ReplyDeleteBlogging must take a back seat sometimes. We understand that. And it is certainly true that the longer one stays away, the easier it is to do so.
ReplyDeleteHow good that everything worked out well with the Memorial Service and that family was able to come from far off. I am in awe of anyone who lives in Israel. They have not chosen an easy life.
Praying for you and your mom and your family as you adjust to the changes that such a loss brings.
Now I'm having troubles with sizing and formatting at my place, too. I always have to fiddle with sizing when I arrive at each blog I read, but yours is looking fine to me, including the header. (I size mine to 950 width and that seems to work best.)
Glad to hear everything went ok.
ReplyDeleteI understand what you are talking about with the blogging thing...sometimes life takes over...I have had the same problem myself lately. I enjoy your posts so I hope you won't just disappear.
Hi Debbie, So glad you are back; totally understand in emotional times of trial blogging is the last thing we think about. I knew someone who has cancer and she hasn't posted on her blog in over a year-I miss her.
ReplyDeleteI totally get the thing about blogger changing but don't understand what photo thing at the top you were talking about...I guess I'm dense.
Have a peace filled weekend.
Love, Noreen
What a beautiful post. I am glad your mom is doing OK..As for Israel, you're right we must pray pray for the people and land of Israel as well as Syria.. The attack on Christians around the world seem to be getting worse and worse and many are being martyred for the faith... I just hope it never comes to that here in our own country..
Good Debbie, breaks somehow happen for all of us, and we seem to find words again after awhile. I've been thinking of you and your mom, so glad the service went so well... what precious words your hubby shared. And also glad you got to be with your kids and grandkids.
ReplyDeleteIsrael... what a timeless and timely subject. To see and be with those christians over there... it must be so amazing.
Your blog still looks beautiful o me... when they change things too much, I'll be gone, since I have no idea how I even got a blog in the first place!! :(
Thinking of you today...
ReplyDeleteYou do what is best for you...you will still remain in my heart and prayers...give yourself the break you need and know that we are here when or if you return and you will always been in our hearts.
ReplyDeleteI used your saying last night.."it is what it is"...how much you have taught me to accept the curve balls of life...again, you have taught through your latest life lessons