Well I think I might have a little bit of time (mom is napping) so I decided to see if I couldn't get a post up.
Soo let's see...mom is staying with me this week even though she is not officially moved in, as my sisters who were staying with her had to get back to their regular responsibilities. Let's just say, while it is going well, LOTS of it is a lot more work and responsibility then I was thinking. Somewhat stressful I am not going to lie. A LOT of it would be soo much easier if I wasn't dealing with my own arthritis. I have such a hard time getting around myself. I just had to tell you this humerus story though.
Mom was needing lots of little things....some make-up, a new mirror, a vanity seat, and handicap poles to assist her in and out of the shower just to name a few. So we decided to head out to Target to get some of this done yesterday. Now the Target store we have by us is HUGE and I love it. However I always get in one of the little electric carts as there is no way I can get through the store otherwise. My mom can't even get in and out of the car by herself and needs a walker to get around at all. I have been trying for MONTHS to get her to try a cart. Otherwise I too have to walk through the store to make sure she doesn't fall etc. etc., and trust me I pay for this BIG time later when I do. Sooo she decides she will try. Oh my goodness....is about all I can say. She was finally in and we moved out. Now I usually whip the thing as fast they will go and fly through the store. I knew of course I would have to slow it down some or she'd get left behind. But I felt like I was truly crawling and kept turning around to see if she was coming and saying to her, "Are you coming mom?" And she would say right back, "Right behind you." I don't know why but it was just soo funny. If you could have seen the determined look on her face, it was just so cute. But when we would FINALLY get where we wanted to be, and by the time we would get both carts positioned to where we could actually both see what we were looking at, we were blocking the WHOLE aisle. Mom was terrified to back up in the thing, so I had to keep turning around etc. Finally one time we bumped into each other as she tried to get closer and we both burst into laughter and practically fell off our carts in hysterics. I am sure we were a sight. Over 2 hours (yes you heard me right!) later we finally left. Poor mom was soo exhausted...however as I was getting her into the car she said, "Joe would be soo proud of me. He always told me I could work one of those things." For some reason I could have just burst into tears. I have to fix her plates, remind her to take her pills, answer the same questions over and over, and try to calm her when she becomes agitated. Other times she is her old self and carries on a conversation just wonderfully. But I can honestly say I so enjoy her. We have had some good laughs already. I have found myself though asking God if he was sure He knew what He was doing as I wonder if until I get my knees done (which I am not sure how that will be working in) if I am even going to be able to keep up with it all. But in my devotional this morning the Lord as always lead me to sooo many verses that brought me comfort. Right at the top of the list this morning was.... I CAN do all things through Christ who strengths me.....I know my God will see me through this, but for right now I thank Him for laughter, and electric carts! haha
Came across a couple more cute pics from their vacation I decided to pop on here. How these pictures make me smile.
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We have the official move in this week-end, lots more settling in to do, and church on Sun followed by a beach trip and a Baptism....Lots going on. Hope you all have a wonderful week-end.
Bless you Debbie for caring for your dear mom. I did it for over ten years with both parents. It isn't easy but the rewards are wonderful. My husband and I never regretted having my folks move in with us. Both are with the Lord now. I pray for the joy of the Lord to be your strength every day as you care for your mother and that as you are seeing to her needs the Lord will bring health to you!
ReplyDeleteLove & Prayers,
Wow Debbie, so much is going on in your life right now. I loved the story with you and your Mom in Target. I wish I could have seen it. That is so great.
ReplyDeleteYou have a such a great attitude. I love the pictures today they are just so cute.
Yes, today has been unreal with all of the humidity. Not to mention the heat. I am glad we don't have many days like this,
Try and stay cool.
Thanks for sharing, I will be praying for you all.
Isn't God kind to give you the gift of laughter in the midst of all of this...I can just picture the two of you at Target...have to admit it made me smile. You will never regret caring for your mom, will be praying for all of you during this adjustment period (and for your health needs as well, bad knees just makes life harder....hope you are sleeping ok)
ReplyDeleteHave a blessed weekend
Sounds like you had a good time with your mom in Target and made a nice memory..It is exhausting taking care of an ailing parent but God will get you through it and when you reach points where you don't think you can go another step, ask Him to carry you and He will...
ReplyDeleteMuch love to you
I could just see the two of you in Target! What a hoot!
ReplyDeleteI am thinking of you Debbie, as you get your Mom settled in at your place. I know it will be a tough adjustment to make.
Now that's a scene I would've liked to see! ☺
ReplyDeleteAs long as you keep leaning on the Lord, I know that He'll get you through. Much love and many blessings to you!
Bless you for caring for your mom. I'm sure that it's not easy ... but I'm equally sure that the rewards will be worth it all. I have to admit that I did get a chuckle about your time at Target! ;-)
ReplyDeleteLoving the photos, Debbie!! laughter is medicine for the soul, a wise man once wrote. I can just see you two running over Target with those carts, that's banking one great memory for the book! I am so blessed by how you are dealing with this new journey that God has you on, what an inspiration it is to me. I just told a friend today of how blogging friends have taught me so much about the faithfulness of God! I glean so much from all of my friends here in blogland.I count myself so blessed.
ReplyDeletePhilippians 4:13 one of my favorite verses, as it is one of my sons favorite. too When I am anxious and tired I find this scripture to be so comforting and I am then able to pick up and go on. Thank you for sharing, enjoy your great weekend that you have planned.
You and your mom are in my thoughts and prayers
Make no mistake Debbie... YOU are an encourager!! I know your whole family would attest to that. I am so proud of the way you are handling things with your mother. These days are a gift, even the trying parts, a gift from God to you and to her. I will never stop missing my mother, and I am always going to be thankful for the last year that we were able to minister to her, as she did to us all through our lives.
ReplyDeleteGod will grace you all along the way, as He already has. I LOVE your sweet heart!! Give your mom a hug from me. I remember when your mom was hospitalized right down the street from where my own mom and dad spent their last days, in the hospital, on the beautiful southern coast of California.
Love the shopping story. Laughter really does help us through a lot of things. Such really cute kids in your pictures. Love the fireworks watching one!
ReplyDeleteDeb, it is so good that you and your mom can laugh! Find humor in these situations as often as you can. Life is hard but enjoy those special moments. You will one day look back on those ...so enjoy them now.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure it will be an adjustment. It is hard seeing our parents get older and your mom is going through her grieving process too.
I love the vacation photos you posted. You have a beautiful family!
Blessings and love,
I just love the story...it is just so God, learning to laugh in the middle of it all, seeing His provisions, electric carts, tears over memories and how he would have been proud of her, the love of a daughter and a mom, which is such a blessing and one many don't have...the list goes on and on...this blessed me so much as I viewed it all through your words.
ReplyDeleteHugs, hugs...and the pictures of your family are wonderful
You are a beautiful daughter of the most High God!!
Hi Debbie! What a fun story and how well you both did having lots of laughs along the way.
ReplyDeleteLove the photos of your family in Ocean City, NJ. That is the beach our kids grew up at. I don't think a week goes by that Jamie isn't there with her kids. Our daughter and family from upstate NY spend a week there in August with their youth group.
A joy stopping by to visit!
That would have been funny to see the two of you in your matching carts shopping in Target! But thankful you are there to help your mom! Hope you had a nice time on Sunday!
ReplyDeleteSo by the time I finally got around to visiting blogs, you are likely moved it. I hope it went OK. I won't even give you some empty platitude. I know it's stressful. What if I pray very specifically that you are regularly given "electric rides" of one sort or another to help you find the laughter? I can do that.
ReplyDeleteThe story gave ME a smile, and I could picture it in my head. I also loved the pictures. The fireworks one was my favorite, but I loved them all.
Lifting you right now for and a laugh in your house this morning.
Thank you for giving me a good laugh today, as I pictured it all. What a good sport you are, and what a big job you have ahead of you. I appreciate your giving spirit and your kindness so much. Your mother is fortunate to have you and your family.
ReplyDeleteThe pictures from the beach are priceless.