Saturday, November 14, 2009


Today is Spiritual Sunday and am looking so forward to traveling around to all of the blogs who participate in this.  You can find them HERE...I am always so blessed by all of these wonderful bloggers it is hard to contain.  I have had a hard week.  I have had much to do, not enough time to do it, and I have hurt soo badly from my arthritis that I have hobbled through everything I have had to do.  But just as I reached a low point and felt like I was just going to have to quit even trying to get it all done, the Lord took "mercy" on me and the pain eased up a bit, He spoke to me through His Word,  He encouraged me through some close friends, and then directed me to some uplifting and inspirational blog posts that spoke to my heart.  God is so good to me and so faithful.  His mercies truly are "new every morning."

Lamentations 3:22-23 Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed, because His compassion's fail not. They are new every morning; GREAT is Your faithfulness...

I have always  loved these verses for many reasons, but I think right at the top of the list  is because they so speak to me, and remind me just how much, God loves me....His love for me NEVER fails, NEVER changes...It is not dependent upon my actions in any way. Thank goodness, because I blow it everyday.  His mercies and His compassion's NEVER fail....The prophet Micah rejoiced in God's faithfulness, exalting,"

Micah 7:18 Who is a God like You, Pardoning iniquity And passing over the transgression of the remnant of His heritage? He does not retain His anger forever, Because He delights in mercy.

Whenever we are in need, we can rely completely on the faithfulness of God's promises if we belong to Him.  How wonderful is that? Because of God's mercies everyday towards us, we are NOT overwhelmed and consumed and rendered helpless through our own sins and lack of ability to overcome it all.  He literally "delights" in mercy towards us. "His compassions they fail not." And God knowing me as well as He knows me, and yet still loving me, is a great miracle. God's compassions fail not. He NEVER stops loving us.  We really need to remember that.

As parents we have a compassion and love for our children that is something that can't really be explained to someone who has not stood in those particular shoes. My kids can fail, blow it, lose it, make wrong choices and decisions, and yet my love for them does not fail. There has been times when I might have been frustrated, tired and ready to give up, but my love for them stood strong. I love my kids in an unconditional way, and it has never waned even at their most unlovable moments. I might not have "liked" them much at times, but still I loved them. I think most of you parents can understand the kind of love I am talking about. They received my mercy when they deserved my wrath. And yet our Heavenly Father loves us soo much more. His love is not limited to human limitations and weaknesses. His mercies are never ending. I find great comfort in this.

There is something in me that I have to fight everyday in that I feel like I somehow must MAKE myself pleasing to God in order for Him to REALLY love me. The problem of course is obvious, I can NEVER pull it off.  I love thinking that God loved me at my very worse, before I even belonged to Him, just as much as He does today, as much as He will tomorrow...and all of this in spite of what I might do or say....His mercy and love are new every morning...

Ephesians 2:4 But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us..

2 John 1:3 Grace, mercy, and peace will be with you from God the Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love.


  1. Hi Debbie,
    I can certainly identify with this post! In fact, I spent the day with my Mom and she and I were talking about this very thing over dinner. How we, as Mothers, are like Mama Bear's protecting our young, even as they become adults. This feeling NEVER wanes. I surely understood your post today.
    About your comment on my blog regarding cooking....well, I think most either love it or they don't, and simply cook because they have to eat. I grew up in a house that LOVED food! Everything about food! My Mom is a fabulous cook, and I too love it, and my kids all do as well. Even my son!
    I wish I had gone to culinary school!!!

  2. Amazing Grace! Love the song playing too! :)

  3. God bless you sweet one, praying for you. Asking God to take your pain away.

  4. Debbie, His grace is sufficient even though we are so undeserving. He is already pleased with us because Jesus covers us. When God looks at us ...He sees Jesus.

    We still battle our flesh which is in contrast to the spirit as long as we're living this side of eternity. I've tried to remember to pray Romans 12:1-2 every morning. I offer my body as a living sacrifice which is holy and acceptable to Him because of all He's done for me. And then the second verse tells us not to conform to the pattern of this world. It's all around us. We're bombarded with TV, magazines, people in our sphere of influence who allow the world ways to transform their thinking. But we are to go to the Word of God and allow Him to change our thinking. As we spend time with Him, we will be transformed and different from the world.

    May people see Jesus in us as we go about our day. The fruit of the Spirit is noticeable to others, even non believers. I pray that our world will be drawn to the difference they see in us. And then we have the words to tell them about our Jesus in love.

    Happy Sunday!


  5. thank you for such a lovely post today!

  6. Like you, I am so grateful for God's mercy every day. Hard to fathom, but when we look at the love we have for our kids as you mentioned, we get a glimpse! Thank you for your powerful prayers for my daughter. I have you on my list for healing.


  7. A beautiful post and the song playing is one of my favorites. God is so good. He knows what we need when we need it. I'm so thankful. Thank you for the wonderful reminder.

  8. Praying about that arthritis, Dear ~ God is our hope, and all things are possible with Him.

  9. Debbie,

    What a wonderful post today....straight from your heart! I can so relate and am so thankful because I know that as much as we THINK HE loves us the Word tells us His Thoughts are Higher than our Thoughts and His ways are Higher than our ways....which means HE loves us more than we can even imagine!!! WOW

    I am praying for your pain my friend!

  10. I am glad I have had children--it is always a teaching situation. It has shown me much about God and his love, just as you have reflected on in this post. There is no way that we can understand his great love, but I am glad he has given us glimpses and pictures in our own families and in his Son.

  11. Arthritis is awful; I suffer with it too. We can thank God that He is in control, never leaves us, and that He hears us. Have a super day.

  12. Debbie,
    Isn't it wonderful how much God loves us no matter what? I am so thankful that He does!


  13. Beautiful post! I think about how much I love my grown childeren and my grandchildern , and then I get a big smile knowing that God loves me more that that.

  14. You'd think I'm young but I have arthritic neck after my injury many years ago. I know any pain is just not fun at all and really can limit our activities. But I'm glad that you chose to remain joyful despite that condition and remain trusting in His love and grace. Yes, glory to God, because of Christ's strength, we can do anything.
    Thank you for reminding us how the Father loves us all, no matter what attitude we have. He is always there, loving us faithfully and unconditionally. Being parents loving our kids that way, is a beautiful trait He blesses us with. Blessings to you and may the Lord grant physical healing with your ailments.

  15. Debbie, Thank you for making me smile while I read your post. My girls are great and although they have not tested me too much, my love for them is unconditional. To relate this love to God's love for us makes me stop and remember that He wants us to do what's right, however, loves us no matter what, just as we do our children. Very comforting...have a wonderful week!

  16. Wonderful post , I am glad his mercies are new every morning .It does not matter if we have been good at being Christlike in our estimation or fall very short . We come to him every time on one basis & that his by what he has done for us on the cross.I have Osteoarthritis& Fibromyalgia so I can identify with the pain you are suffering . I pray that you will be feeling better soon.
    Have a Blessed Week,

  17. Hi Debbie,
    Thank you for visiting my blog. I'm new to "Spiritual Sundays".
    I agree with you that children are a blessing.
    Best wishes

  18. Hello Sweet Debbie,
    I am right there with ya having had a tough week, but God has blessed me abundantly through His Holy Spirit and caused me to rise above it all! Praise His Holy Name!!

    I just love how beautifully God's truths and teachings flow from your heart. You are such a sweet blessing to my heart! He truly speaks through you to me, gal!

    I have to get busy, but will email you later! I have missed you so much!

    Love to you, and prayers that this week will be a lighter, pain-free one!!

  19. I'm finding more "Debbie's" everyday! I didn't realize there were so many of us, lol.

    I see Jesus is here, so I signed up. You're welcome to join me at:

    for some laughs and 'God' times...

  20. What a beautiful post. I've been struggling so much lately and really needed to be reminded of those beautiful verses and God's mercy on my life and my family. Thank you!!!

  21. What a beautiful post ~~ I am always amazed at the depth of God's love for us...He not only loves us, He approves of His creation! We are so blessed and your post is a such a great reminder of that...
    Pray your arthritis improves soon...

  22. Hi Debbie, Thank you for these encouraging verses today as well as the song in your Then Sings my Soul Saturday post. I needed encouragement tonight.

    God bless you!

  23. I'm praying for you too. Have a gentle week. Sarah

  24. Beautiful post Debbie! You have such a way with words, I love reading your spiritual posts.


I am so glad that you would take the time to comment on my thoughts and feelings, it is such a blessing to me!