1. Since you weren't Hodgepodging last Wednesday, how did you pass the time? Well, I guess I didn't post at all, lol. I did try linking up some old posts to a couple of sewing and quilting parties, but didn't get but one visitor, lol, so guess I didn't interest anyone with my "things". I thoroughly enjoyed myself visiting around however, so guess it worked out OK.
2. What's the first word that comes to mind when I say marriage? Yes ONE word. LOVE!
3. Summer officially arrives in the Northern hemisphere later this week. Does it feel, like summer where you live? Describe your idea of the perfect summer day. Yes, it definitely feels like summer here in So. California. It has for a while. My idea of the perfect summer day is it is about 80 degrees and I am sitting at the beach with a cool ocean breeze blowing over me. My toes are buried in the sand and the sun feels warm on my skin. The sky is a deep dark blue, the palm trees are a gorgeous shade of green, and flowers are blooming in bright colors everywhere. I am surrounded by my grandkids and children and I am content to watch them all play in the sun and water. You can smell coconut and citrus in the sun screen, hear the waves breaking on the shore, and the occasional chirp of a seagull. I am content to sit this way for hours, and my heart swells with gratitude to our God who created such a beautiful place.
4. "Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability." (Sam Keen) is laziness ever respectable? Do you have a lazy summer planned, or something semi-ambitious? Yes, I do believe that laziness is "at times" respectable and even necessary. And summertime is the PERFECT time for it. I don't have a lot planned for this summer with the exception of a visit from Melody's family in July, and some "one on one" time with all of my grandkids. On the other hand, my sewing projects are piling up including some Christmas ones already. But I am NOT feeling rushed, and to me sewing is relaxing...(most of the time anyway!)
5. Past or present, who's your favorite television dad? Why is he a favorite? Is he anything like your own dad? Well, this is an easy one. It would be Pa from Little House on the Prairie. He was the epitome of everything a father should be in my opinion. Strong, fun, loving, kind, and lead his family in the ways of the Lord. Sadly, no, my earthly father was nothing like this.
6. June 18th is International Picnic Day...share a favorite picnic memory. Well let's see. Most of my so-called picnics were done at the beach, so I guess you could just read number 3 again. lol But one that sticks in my mind in particular was the one we had at a beautiful park for my mother's 70th birthday. All of her kids and grandkids at the time were present and we all brought food to share. The weather was perfect. My middle son John had put together a little book for her of personal messages from all of her children describing one of their best childhood memories of mom. There wasn't a dry eye in the house when we were done reading it. We had enough people to play a full court volleyball game with subs coming in and out. I even played for a little while. The little ones enjoyed 4 different kinds of slides. It was just one of those perfect days that will forever be etched in all of our memories.
7. The travel site Trip Advisor lists the top five islands in the world for 2014 as Ambergris Cave in Belize Caves. Providenciales in Turks and Caicos. Bora Bora in French Polynesia, Marco Island Florida and Lewis and Harris in the The Outer Hebrides (Scotland). Have you been to any of these? Of those listed (and if price were not a factor) which you most like to book for a holiday? No, I have not been to any of these places and I guess if I was being honest I have no desire to go to any of these places either. I am really not much of a traveler. However I guess if I HAD to say I would go with Marco Island Florida. And probably just because it would be the least feeling like I was somewhere foreign I could chose. Kind of a dud I know, lol.
8. Insert a random thought....As usual my head is full of random thoughts. My sister and I got mom's quilt cut and I got the fabrics to bind them today. I also got the fabrics to make a runner for my dil's birthday present. I will start with this as her birthday is July 3rd. But what I have been wondering recently (the last few minutes or so amyway) is why it is that I get so few comments on my blog sometimes, lol?? Not that I really care. Honest I don't. It's not why I write my blog, and I am not keeping track of who does and who doesn't comment. Again, HONEST I don't. I just wonder. I definitely don't expect anyone to comment, and I know of course sometimes there just isn't enough time. But my blogger tells me for instance that over 60 people have read my last post, and yet I have received only 6 comments as of when I was typing this. Are they too long? Do I lose people along the way, long before the post is over? lol All of my kids tell me this. Are they all too similar and therefore there is really nothing new to say? I have noticed that some of my favorite blog spots receive 30 or 40 or even more comments to a single post! Are they really soo much more interesting than I am? lol Probably so, thus the difference. lol OR is it that what with Facebook, texting, and Instagram people prefer quick little tidibts of thoughts or musings, and not wordy, long dissertations like most of my posts. I am just wondering. Does anybody else?
Hope you all have a wonderful day! Blessings to you all! Debbie
First a comment as to the last part.
ReplyDeleteI feel the same way about being "long winded" and think that probably most people just don't want to visit because my posts tend to be long. Oh well. As for yours? I like what you say so keep on saying it. If I ever don't come by, it's because there is something up with ME and not anything to do with lack of interest. I am not sure what's up with me these days. I keep saying "Not a tume-a" to my husband... (You would get that if you ever saw Kindergarten Cop. Picture it coming out of Arnold Swarteneger's mouth. Is that how you spell his name, btw?)
My favorite TV dad, without any competition, is Fred MacMurry's Steve Douglas on "My Three Sons."
And yep. He reminds me very much of my own dad.
I rarely get comments on my blog as well. I do admit, I don't comment much, I don't really have anything to say. I have decided recently to try and comment more, it seems people visit my blog when I comment on theirs.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you about the not wanting to travel bit. I've never been out of the US, and I have no desire to, which baffles so many people. I just don't like the hassle of traveling, especially if I'm flying. But, if the destination is Okoboji, IA, you would have no problem convincing me. We have a timeshare there, and some of my favorite summer memories are there.
One must visit many blogs leaving lots of comments to get lots of comments. Very few bloggers have that kind of time. I find that you and I are like-minded so I feel a connection between us. One last thing, the ratio between visitors and comments is excellent so try to look at it that way. Just keep being you and doing your blog in a way that you enjoy.
ReplyDeleteYour description of a perfect summer day is so good! I think you nailed every one if the five senses. Thank goodness for those great tv dads; otherwise, we might not know what a great dad was. =D
OF the 5 senses
ReplyDeleteI think it's true of all bloggers, that their stats show many visitors and few comments. It's just the nature of the beast, I think. Lucky DIL of yours to be getting a gift from your hands. I'm glad my DIL likes Amazon gift cards. ACK. Am I a lazy bum or what!!
ReplyDeleteMorning Deb. I am catching up with the posts I missed. That quilt is fabulous indeed. To cut it seems criminal to me. I wish there were another way. But if those were your Moms wishes, then you must.
ReplyDeleteLoved seeing the Father's Day photos!
Don't worry about your posts. Your blog is for you and your family, after all. Do with it it as you wish. I love your posts!
XO Kris
Debbie, I think we all come to this point of trying to evaluate what we're doing based on other people's response. My husband put it to me this way: He asked if I enjoyed what I was doing on my blog and when I said "Yes, for the most part," then he said, "then do it for you." So, that's what I do. I don't get many comments either, but neither do I have time to visit a lot of different blogs to leave comments. A lot of those bloggers who get a bunch of comments are often more commercial and group oriented than I plan to be. So keep doing what you enjoy for as long as you enjoy doing it and don't worry about anyone else. Sermon over:)
ReplyDeleteIf I visit a blog I do try to comment, but in these past few months life has been so busy I'm doing good to skim. I think the more you comment on blogs the more comments you get back. I know I try to get back to my commenters. Lately I haven't been too successful at that, but normally I try.
ReplyDeleteLove your description of a perfect day. Mine would involve the ocean too : )
If I visit a blog I do try to comment, but in these past few months life has been so busy I'm doing good to skim. I think the more you comment on blogs the more comments you get back. I know I try to get back to my commenters. Lately I haven't been too successful at that, but normally I try.
ReplyDeleteLove your description of a perfect day. Mine would involve the ocean too : )
I think it's more an issue with time...I'm lucky if can get to read the ones I follow daily...We are all so busy in life...
ReplyDeleteLoved your answers btw :-)
Great answers.
ReplyDeleteDo you post your blog link on FB? I've been doing that since shortly after I started blogging and I generally get a lot of comments on FB and while it's not on Google, it's still nice to see folks enjoy my post.
ReplyDeleteAnd, some folks read and just never comment. I don't get it. I have visited blogs that I didn't what to say, but that is a rarity.
Keep plugging along!
I always enjoy your Wednesday Hodgepodge posts, Debbie. I loved your description of the perfect summer day (as long as it doesn't get any warmer than 80 degrees ~smile~).
ReplyDeleteComments are such a touchy thing. I'm afraid that there are quite a few blogs I read where I seldom (or even never) leave comments. Most of the comments I do leave are in a "community" of bloggers.
For me, not leaving a comment is NOT an indication that I don't enjoy the content or the blog. It's just that I don't have time to comment on everything that I read. Karen Andreola (of "Moments With Mother Culture" blog) once compared it to reading a newspaper every day but only sending a letter to the editor once in a while. A blog is a public thing, and I don't really expect everyone who reads to leave a comment.
That said, I think that all bloggers enjoy comments and knowing that people are reading and relating or being encouraged by what you write. But I try not to let comments or lack of comments discourage me or affect what I write.
That was probably a long answer to a short question. :)
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ReplyDeleteI enjoy reading each of your answers, and I know the one of your best day at the beach, would be "over the top" for me too. I was right there with you, as I read each word, and could actually almost smell the citrus and coconut.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing who you are with each answer.
I'd love to share that beautiful summer day at the beach you described. It sounds totally wonderful.
ReplyDeleteI've often wondered the same thing about my blog and so few comments most of the time. But I guess as long as I enjoy it, I'll keep posting.
I know, I enjoy your posts and seeing pictures of all your projects. Unfortunately, I don't make it by everyday. But I'm hoping sooner or later, I'll get back to it more like I used to.
First of all, what quilting/sewing blogs did you link up to? I make it a point to try to visit all the bloggers who participate in the linky parties that I do ... after all, isn't that the point of a linky party? Further more, I'd be interested in participating in other linky parties ... if I knew about them. ;-)
ReplyDeleteI suspect that there is a certain percentage of readers who comment ... regardless of who is blogging. The blogs that have dozens and dozens to comments are probably ones that get a whole lot more readers than you or I ... but if we knew, we could determine that the percentage of commenters would probably be about the same as for our blogs. And I too have discovered that many bloggers will comment back if I've commented on their blogs ... personally I'll comment if I have something to say, regardless of whether or not the blogger has commented on my blog. ;-)
Well I think lots of people visit but sometimes are just too shy. I also think that it is just hard to get around to visit or like yesterday, I would leave comments and Blogger would error out. Lots of things happen, not to mention Pinterest. I think that keeps people from leaving comments.
ReplyDeleteI always enjoy your posts. I love your answers, about what a perfect day was and is for you. It just sounds perfect. Have a lovely day.
I said love too, it was the first thing that came to mind. Yes staying in the states would be easier than travel out of the country!