1. The Hodgepodge lands on June 14th this week. Flag Day in the US of A. Do you fly your country's flag at home? Sometimes, often, or every single day? Have you ever visited the city of Brotherly Love (Philadelphia)? Did you make a point of seeing The Betsy Ross House? Have you ever made a trip to Baltimore? If so, was Fort McHenry on your itinerary? (Where Francis Scott Key was inspired to write the Star Spangled Banner). Yes, we do fly our flag, but only a few days of the year. The 4th of July, Memorial Day, and usually Flag Day too. Never been to Baltimore, so no have not seen the Betsy Ross Home. Not been to Baltimore or therefore visited Fort McHenry either. If I were to ever go to Baltimore though, yes, it would be on my itinerary.
2. Red or white flag? Which have you encountered most recently? Explain. hmmm, well I guess I will go with Red Flag. There are a few things going on that are definite red flags of concern within our family, but they are too long and too involved to go into here. Just a few reasons to be on our knees however
3. Are you a stay in the car listen to the end of a song kind of a person? What kind of a person is that? Well, I guess the answer to that would be seldom if ever anymore. I USED to do that but honestly can't remember the last time I did. I think part of the reason for me is honestly I do not drive around much. And there was a day it seemed like it was all I did, lol. As for the "kind of a person" that does that well I guess it would be someone who is sooo into music, that their heart gets carried away with it, and listening or singing to the very last note is just necessary....do ya know what I mean?
4. What are some of the traits or qualities you think a good dad possesses? In other words, what makes a good dad? What's an expression you associate with your father? I think I have made a whole post about this very subject before, a LONG one, but I haven't the time to search for it, and no I don't label mine, so I will just have to think back and pick out a few thoughts. My husband is one of the best dads I know. Both to the kids when they were young, and even now to them as adults. So I think I can just tell you how he is. He is quite simply ALWAYS there for them! Interested in what they were doing and what they are on. He played with them all on a very regular basis. Whatever it was that THEY were interested in, Be it basketball, football, swimming, sleeping giant, (long story!) or my little ponies with his daughter. He was very involved with every one of them with whatever sport they were playing too, and was frequently one of their coaches as well. He was firm and steadfast when he had to be though, and there was always a sense of respect mingled even with a little fear. Or maybe it was just fear they would disappoint him. He was the spiritual leader of our home and prayed with them all regularly too, as well as making sure they were at church every Sunday, and sacrificing to send them to Christian school. They saw Christianity walked and talked out pretty much every day. Some of them still call him so that he can pray with them over the phone. He taught my 3 sons how to be a GOOD man, a real man, and my daughter what to look for and expect in a husband. He could always and still does find the fun in a situation, the humor, and can make almost anyone smile no matter how down they are. I thank God for the dad my kids have, because sadly mine was none of these things. It was important to me and one of the main things I prayed for when asking God to find me a man to share my life with. I will always be grateful for that answered prayer some forty three years ago. I am sorry if I make him sound like a saint, because obviously he is far from perfect. But when it comes to being a dad...he's about as good as you can get!
5. What's one rule you always disagreed with while growing up? Is that rule somehow still part of your adult life? Is that a good or a bad thing? Well we had MANY rules but honestly I can't remember one that I really disagreed with. Didn't keep? MAYBE...but not really disagreed with. Can't say any of it is part of my adult life though.
6. Insert your own random thought here.....We are STILL working on the floors over here. Though there is DEFINITE light at the end of the tunnel. Poor hubby. Not sure how he has born it all, though he has hung in like a trooper. My youngest son took pity on him last week-end and drove up and put in a FULL day on Sat. helping and honestly I haven't stopped being grateful! It not only of course made the work go twice as fast...but provided his dad with good conversation and humor to get through the day as well. All that's left at this point is the utility room, and the back bathroom. Neither one of these areas is very large, and by far the vast majority of it is done. And it's BEAUTIFUL! And!! We are going to replace the carpeting in our living room and formal dining room, and our bedroom this Sat. I am practically giddy, lol. It too will be a lot of work, (we've replaced carpeting a few times over the years so we know the drill) but hopefully it will go smoothly.
There has been a few other things going on as well so hopefully I will get to another post in the next couple of days, and catch this blog up. Hope you are all enjoying these warmer days. We are heating up in the next few days to the nineties! Heat here we come.....Blessings to you all! Debbie
That tribute to your godly husband brought tears to my eyes. What an incredible blessing that is. God bless him and your family.
ReplyDeleteWe seem to have a few things in common this week. I haven't blogged since the end of March and my husband just replaced our kitchen floor. You wrote a beautiful tribute to your godly husband and I too thank God for giving me a godly husband. Have a great week :)
ReplyDeleteWhat loving and beautiful words about your husband . . . and what an incredible blessing to have such a man as the father of your children!! He certainly has a servant heart too, as he is demonstrating in his many hours of work on those floors. They are looking fabulous. I know you are delighted!
ReplyDeleteThat looks like a grueling task! So glad your son was able to pictch in and I'm sure the end result will be worth the sweat and labor. I liked the tribute to your hubs : )
ReplyDeleteWhen my friend did her floors, she was in tears most of the time from the pain. How nice of your son to come help. But after reading your description of your husband, I can certainly understand the love there. That was beautiful. What a blessing for you. I hope and pray all works out with whatever is going on in your lives.
ReplyDeleteGood to have you back! The floors look fabulous. Well done!
ReplyDeleteYour new floors are gorgeous! Believe me, I know what it's like...we had Pergo installed in our whole house back in February. It was like a two day whirlwind, although preparing, cleaning, purging, emptying out closets, etc. started a couple of weeks before they came to install. Like you said, it was worth all the upheaval! Enjoy the rest of your week!
ReplyDeleteSeeing them in that position and thinking of how long they had to stay in that position hurts my back. But, it is so lovely and I know you are thrilled to have it done. And, new carpet, you will be all fixed up! Happy rest of the week!
ReplyDeleteThe floors are so pretty. We're needing to replace our floors this year, but so far we keep putting it off. 😊
ReplyDeleteWe had temps in the 90s this week too. Just too early for that here in NH.
ReplyDeleteLoved your description of a great dad based on your hubby. He is a keeper all right!
And the floors are beautiful!