Wednesday, March 28, 2018


Decided to jump on the Hodgepodge today!  I am on a roll!  This is my second post within a week!  I've been soo bad about blogging, and I do miss it.  I am really wanting to do better but I am not going to stress myself, so when I am in the mood, I'll post I guess.  Anyway, join the other hodgepodgers by clicking on the pic below.

1.  What's a word that describes your life?  A word you wish described your life?  Hmmm I've given this more thought then you might think!  lol  I guess if I have to pick just one word (because there would be many I think!) I would say...blessed.  It's by no means perfect.  I've a list a mile long of aches, pains, problems, and sorrows, so don't think I am not struggling with my fair share.  But at the same time the things I have to be grateful for could take me many posts to explain.  So over-all?  Blessed for sure.  And a word that I wish described my life more?  I'd go!  Now again, don't take me wrong.  I am busy, busy all day pretty much every day.  But my arthritis limits me more than I would like in the "active" department.  Most of my activities can happen easily from a chair, lol.  But at this point, I am grateful that my hands are still able to do pretty much whatever I want.

2.  Back in my day__________________?  We had to worry soo much less about our kids playing outside than parents do today.  I am totally amazed when I listen to some of my kids talk about how limited it has to be with the way things are today.  Your kids pretty much have to be in your sight at all times, and some things my kids did regularly would just be out.  My kids used to (in the summertime of course) go outside and get on their bikes or their skates and take off playing with neighborhood kids just showing up in time for lunch and dinner.  Now if they wanted to leave the neighborhood and go up to the corner store for ice cream or something they did have to ask my permission first.  But I don't remember many a time it wasn't granted.  The older ones looked out for the younger ones and they just kind of lived outside.  Swimming was another permission item but it happened almost everyday somewhere.  There were countless games of baseball, basketball, and kickball played everyday.  All us "at home moms" knew each other and we all kind of watched out for them all too, and talked among ourselves as to what they might be up to.  Today's world is so different.  Soo many mom's work.  Sooo many kids are in the house and on computer games and phones for entertainment.  "Disappearing" outside for the day is truly just a thing of the past.  How sad that is to me in some ways.  Kids were more independent, more self reliant.  I hear the phrase, "I'm bored" frequently!  My kids knew never to utter those two words as it meant a chore was assigned before they could blink, lol.  Sorry, as always my answers are WAY too long.  lol

3.  When it comes to takeout are you more likely to opt for Italian, Mexican, or Chinese food?  Does a typical week at your house include takeout?  I guess I will go with Mexican, though I don't know if it is Mexican in the traditional sense.  It's El Pollo loco.  They have a chicken bowl that's really pretty good.  And no, takeout for us does not happen very often at all.

4.  Think about the people you most respect.  What is it about them that earned your respect?  I think it would be in the way they treat others.  Always respectfully and with love.  They don't gossip or engage in negative talk about others.  They are strong, mature Christians and conduct their lives as a true testament to Jesus.

5.  What's something your friends might see and say is "so you"?  Sewing machine...hand made baby clothes...Spending soo much of my time sewing baby clothes, lol.  I made a summer romper yesterday for my new great nephew Davis.  I have been seeing the pattern used all over facebook and Instagram and I just couldn't resist making one of these up.  It was fun and a quick and easy sew.  And a "new" challenge as well.  I had never made a shirt or romper that had the front placket before and I really wanted to try it.  Way easier than I thought so now I don't have to avoid them, lol..

6.  Insert your own random thought here.  I am doing this Tues morning and I have a busy day ahead.  I am about to head out to Newport to get my hair done, and then this afternoon a group of high school girls has been gathering here for bible study.  I honestly did not plan on this group and am still amazed that they asked me to lead this considering they are 17 and 18 and I am 63!  lol  But I SOO enjoy not only looking into God's word together, but seeing it through the eyes of such young women.

Hope you all have a good week!  Blessings to you all!  Debbie


  1. I hope that you enjoy your busy day, Debbie! Happy Easter.

  2. The Lord knew you have wisdom and love to share with these impressionable young women. What a wonderful opportunity for all of you to have this time to study, learn, and share. And yes, we could be great friends. In fact, I think we are. He is Risen!

  3. I really admire you leading that Bible Study. What a wonderful thing, and I just love that they recognize there is wisdom in our generation they can learn from. Have a wonderful Easter day!

  4. It's been so interesting reading everyone's 'back in the day' answers! And you are always so productive. I enjoyed this! Have a blessed Easter.

  5. Love the adorable. You are an amazing seamstress. How cool that you are having this Bible Study with these teen girls. They are so blessed and I'm sure you are too.

    Happy Easter.

  6. Nice to visit you on the Hodgepodge!
    What great answers you have for #1! I could have said that for my answer too.

  7. That romper is darling! I am glad you tried the placket, especially since you found it to be easy.

    I love that you are leading those young women in Bible study!!

  8. So, so good to hear from you. Yes, there are so many differences in "now and then." Wishing you and yours a most blessed Easter.

  9. I came to read the new Hodge Podge and learned I haven’t read the old one. Ahem Well now I’m going to read it and get back to you. 🙂

    1. Me again. I love the way you bless your family. I have a little great-nephew now and I’d love to whip him up something cute...would ‘t even dare try.

      I so agree with you on the childhood quickly society has changed in one would never dare allow children that freedom today. It’s just plain sad.

      Don’t be gone too long now...

      Don’t be gone too long now!


I am so glad that you would take the time to comment on my thoughts and feelings, it is such a blessing to me!