Five years ago today, Jeffrey Joseph Class made his appearance into this world, and his parents and grand parents lives have never been the same....
Jeffie is possibly one of the sweetest little boys I have ever been around, and I have been around a few...haha His personality is sensitive and caring, and his love for animals of all sorts is well known by anyone who knows him... His face lights up when he smiles, and is contagious to anyone around him...The fact that he is DARLING is just that.."A FACT"...and adds to his "feel"...Certain things he does reminds me sooo much of his daddy, but in most ways he is totally unique. Almost since he began talking, his love for ALL animals was very apparent. At a very young age he could name almost every kind of animal you would show him, and even knew the names of some kinds of birds that Grandma didn't even know. haha Whenever I have been at his house he has ALL of his animals out and separated into their "proper" categories. All farm animals together, wild animals, sea animals, etc. It is not only quite smart, it is darling...
I lOVE spending time with him, and while Leah was working I had him every Wed. We had our little routines, and places we went. He was ALWAYS good for me, and I've missed my little friend since she has been home. We made memories I won't be forgetting soon, and our bond strengthened and grew...
I look forward to watching him grow and mature and become all God has planned for his life. The possibilities are endless...I thank God for him EVERY day, but especially today on his birthday, and ask that the Lord might watch over him, and bless him abundantly with His very best for him. I LOVE him sooo much...
H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y my sweet little Jeffie and may all your dreams come true!!!
It was a wonderful party for Jeffie Saturday. He was naturally darling and sweet as always. What a pleasure and joy all of your grandkids are Debbie. So very blessed with so much. Hope Jeffie had a great party and a wonderful birthday!
ReplyDeleteHe is an absolutely darling little boy and he has blessed all of our lives with his sweet presence.