I spent the day today with my grand daughter Lindsey....Danae and Diane have begun scrapbooking on Tues. mornings...I have been planning on joining them for a while now, but this week was really the first chance that I got...
I LOVE the way a scrapbook looks, and my intentions are always good. haha I have a fairly large selection of gear...Assorted colored papers, stickers, cutting utensils, templates, etc. etc. I have even actually started a few books, and have even managed to "somehow" complete one that I gave to Melody and Mike for Valentines Day a couple of years ago. I have received instructions for numerous different women at the scrapbooking store, and have even paid (briefly) for private lessons in my never ending quest to become the expert scrapbooker. Here's what the problem is....while I LOVE the finished product, and WANT very much to BE a creative and faithful scrapbooker, I just really don't enjoy it much at all. It is just sooo incredibly "fiddly"...haha I can think of creative and imaginative things in my mind, and even occasionally manage to get them to become a reality, but the process itself is just not me.... There is sooo much "stuff" that is necessary to complete a single page in a scrapbook, that one must be an expert organizer and have an efficient system in place to keep it that way. Again, just not me. Danae on the other hand, the true QUEEN of all that is Space Management, had the most smoothly running system I had ever seen. Diane's work has become quite expert, and she and Danae seem to love every minute of it. I only saw a couple of pages Danae did, and they too were darling...
Since I couldn't even find the last scrapbook I was working on (sooo me, I know it's somewhere safe) I decided I would just concentrate today on helping Lindsey put together a little book. She is a very talented little budding artist, and I just had a feeling this would be just her cup of tea. She LOVED it. I had developed several pics of Mel's wedding where she had served as one of the flower girls for her to use. She just had a ball with the whole thing. And guess what?? I had a ball watching and working with her. She and Katie both were really darling on the whole thing...Sooooo, I think for a while anyway, I may just bring Lindsey along with me every week and let her have a good time with it all. And meanwhile, it will give me some quality time with my grand daughter, and I think this way, everyone wins...
This was a very fun day and the girls were so cute. You can not say that you don't like fiddly things when I am sitting here looking at what a stun your blog is!
ReplyDeleteJust as a tip for those reading this, Di's pages BURY mine. I think Deb said that to build me up (thanks Deb) The girls were darling. I think you should know Donna that Katie is LIVING for a follow up. She already has a plan for what book to do next. So PLEASE get your scrapbooking gear together and plan on coming with Mom.