Tuesday, July 7, 2009

July 4, 2009 Fun

Jeffie's "view" for the show

Cody loved the fireworks!!

Grandma closed her eyes...

Evan, Jeff, and Joe kicking back before the show...

So let's get this show on the road...

Such a big boy...

Cody is sitting on his own now!!

Jeffie jumps in to daddy..

Pretty Lindsey being silly...

"Posing" on the waterfall on the 4th of July at Joe's house...

I had put together a darling little slide show to display these pics, complete with music and fake fireworks, but couldn't get the thing to ever upload, and so I gave up..I think it had something to do with the fact that I use the lap top from Jeff's office now...Anyhow, the day was nice...It started with swimming and a bbq at Joe's house...I had to bring along my little Jenny Craig dinner, but I added fresh watermelon, an ear of corn (no butter of course, haha) and Anna's home grown tomatoes, (sooo yummy) so I had nothing to complain about....The crowd at the high school was the largest I have ever seen, but we got good seats anyway, and thoroughly enjoyed the show....We wondered how little Cody might do, but he never batted an eye, "Oh, we're watching fireworks now, how nice," seemed to be his attitude...haha I love the 4th of July, and this year was no different...


  1. Your Grandkids are so cute and I love your header picture. Looks like you had an awesome Fourth of July, and you are definitely taking your diet seriously, I wish I could do that!

  2. the ones of Cody are ridiculous!!! the one with the beanie on his head, I could bite his cheeks!


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