Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Well I just realized that I have not posted in a few days...There has really been a lot going on but I guess I was kind of waiting to get my new computer before I posted anything, (since the one I am using right now will not let me post any pics for some really is a dinasour) but decided that it may take longer than I originally thought, so I decided to go ahead and post..

I guess I could start with why I am getting a new computer....Jeff has changed jobs..and yes that meant I had to get a new computer. He had two lap tops from his office for the last two years so that he could do his work at home when he needed to without carrying his back and forth. He has been the branch manager for the Woodland Hills office and the LA office for the last 5 years. They merged with another company about 4 months ago and several people were let go and things have been somewhat of a mess ever since. Whenever something like this happens within a company like the one he worked for, competitors come out of the woodwork and begin trying to in essence steal their competition. Jeff was approached by several different companies wanting him to come to work for them. Because sooo many things had changed because of the merger, many of the sales people were unhappy and Jeff himself was not exactly perky either. He took his time and really examined his options (including of course staying right where he was) and we have been praying HEAVILY about this for weeks now. But he finally decided last Friday to except one of the offers that he felt was really offering him the best opportunity for the future. It makes us both feel excited and of course somewhat overwhelmed and at times even somewhat fearful. But we have covered it all in so much prayer, that we really are trusting the Lord to take care of us. Several of the sales staff who have worked for Jeff for the last several years are following him to this new company. (that's what sales people frequently do in his particular business) He knew they would (which is another reason several companies were interested in him) and it has added to his stress that he make the right decision. Of course ultimately everyone makes their own decisions and it responsible for themselves, but Jeff is both respected and trusted and since the new company is looking to build up their sales staff with both reps and sales managers, there is plenty of room for most of them...ANYWAY, all of this to say, he turned in the computers and I was using one of them during the day. He will be getting a new lap top probably today, but only one, haha, so we had to get one for me. We did purchase one this week-end and one of his computer wizard friends is setting everything up for me and I should have it by Friday. I am kind of excited about it as we did buy a photo program for it as well so I can really play around with some of the pics....Jeff's job has been a very busy, very stressful, very overwhelming at times, LONG LONG drive in heavy traffic (especially going to Woodland Hills) for 5 years now, but we are both really hoping this new one will not be nearly as hectic and consuming. We are both very grateful he has been given this opportunity and pray that the Lord blesses everyone involved with success.

I will wait to post the rest of what has been going on for another day as I am quite behind on my chores for this day, (and I need to get to the scripture blog as well) as I took the WHOLE day and spent it with Joe's kids.....We went to Target for some necessities, got a hair cut for Evan, then we went out to lunch, and finally to the new Harry Potter movie...Considering there were 4 kids including Cody who is only 6 months, it was quite the undertaking for Grandma. But the kids were sooo good, and little Cody dozed off at the movies and slept pretty much the ENTIRE time in my arms...and you know it's funny, working a big pack of kids is what I always have done with my life, and it all came back like it was just yesterday I was spending this kind of a summer day with my own...I enjoyed myself for sure, but Grandma is really appreciating the quite right now, haha....

1 comment:

I am so glad that you would take the time to comment on my thoughts and feelings, it is such a blessing to me!