Today is Wednesday and time for the Hodgepodge. You can join the others here. I so enjoy doing this and thank Joyce for this time. I have met a few new blogging buddies through this party, and I am so glad I have.
1, "Summer is like childhood. It's full of warm memories and gone too soon." Kellie Elmore. Agree or disagree? Share something you loved about the summers of your childhood. Oh I couldn't agree more! There were MANY things I loved about the summertime when I was growing up. Don't think I can pick just one. Lets see...right at the top of the list of course was no school and LONG days that were spent playing, swimming, and just doing nothing at all. My parents owned a cabin at Big Bear Lake and we would go up most every summer and spend two or three weeks there. It was a huge cabin and other families would join us while we were there. I especially loved it when we would go. My dad only came up on the week-ends and during the week we spent most of our time outdoors. Hiking, fishing, swimming or just laying on the hammock in the back yard reading, or just listening to the wind blow gently through the leaves of the trees. How I loved that sound! I can hear it still. It rained many afternoons and I loved the smell of the pine trees and the ground after they were wet. There was no TV and we never missed it. We spent our evenings playing cards, or board games. I'd read to my hearts content. My mom was always soo relaxed up there and baked cinnamon rolls every morning for breakfast. I loved waking up to the smell of bacon and sweet rolls. We'd take our breakfasts out on the deck and watch the squirrels and the birds and plan our day. Yes, I realize this is WAY too long. But summertime for me growing up, holds some of my best life's memories.
2. Are you a fan of auto racing- NASCAR, Indy, Stock, Grand Prix, etc? Ever been to a race in person? Any desire to do this? Do you know a lot about cars? Do you notice particular makes and models when your out and about? No, I am not a fan, and I have never been to any of these events. I have no desire to do so either. I know almost nothing about cars. Can't say I never notice a nice car, but for the most part I pay it very little attention.
3. What's something you think is too serious to be joked about? Or do you think anything and everything is fair game? Well no, I don't think anything and everything is fair game. Many things in life are just too serious for that. Diseases in children, war, accidents, murder, sin, and the list could go on and on. Having said that, sometimes in the right way of course, humor can lift the mood and lighten things up and heal hurts. But sometimes it is just way too inappropriate.
4. July 29th is National Lasagna Day. Are you a fan? Do you have a great recipe and if so where did it come from? If given a choice would you choose a plate of lasagna or a plate of spaghetti? Yes, I am a pretty big fan of lasagna, though I haven't had any since I went gluten free. I had a good recipe I made a few times that belonged to my mother. If I picked one today it would probably be spaghetti since I have a really good gluten free pasta that I use, and a tasty recipe. But if that wasn't an issue, and calories weren't an issue, I'd pick a delicious lasagna right now.
5, What's a simple pleasure you'd miss if it were not a regular part of your life? I am not sure how simple to go, lol. It could be as simple as my cup of morning tea. Or maybe my blogging time. Or chatting on the phone to family and friends. Or I'd miss my sewing and quilting if I had to give that up. Time spent with my husband and grandkids is right at the top of my pleasures, but don't know if that's just a "simple pleasure".Probably over-thinking this....imagine that? lol
6, If you could be a CEO of any company, which would you choose? This is soo far fetched for me, and holds NO interest or desire whatsoever so it's kind of hard to play along....good thing it's never come up.
7. August in just around the bend....bid farewell to July in exactly seven words....Goodbye to you July...it was sweet!
8. Insert a random thought....Looking forward to today. It is one of my younger sisters birthdays and my other sister Diane and I are meeting her for lunch during her work break. She's the one I made the lighthouse pillow for a couple of weeks ago and I am anxious for her to see it. I was thinking today how blessed I am in the sister department. These women are more then sisters, they are my very best friends, and honestly I don't know what I'd do without them. Happy birthday Danae! And may the Lord bless and keep you and make His face to shine upon you always! Love, Debbie
Every time I read on of your hodgepodge posts, I am reminded how much you are like me. I am another one who can't think of a company she would like to run. (Unless, maybe... Nabisco, but only to change their advertising strategy away from social posturing.) I also have no interest in NASCAR.
ReplyDeleteHope your sister has a nice birthday. We're also alike in that my sisters names begin with the letter "D" too.
I loved the way you described your childhood memory. I felt like I was there. The pillow turned out so cute-happy birthday to your sister!
ReplyDeleteHow blessed you are to have sisters who are friends.
ReplyDeleteOh, those summer days at the lake sound heavenly!
ReplyDeleteHave a lovely linch together! She's so going to love that beautiful pillow.
ReplyDeleteI am agreeing with your other commenters...your summer days at the lake sound simply glorious!! I break out in hives just thinking about being the CEO of a corporation. And sister/friends are a blessing!
ReplyDeleteI love, love that beautiful lighthouse pillow. You make some of the prettiest things.
ReplyDeleteHave a wonderful birthday celebration with your sisters. I always wanted one of my own growing up. I think it's such a special connection. Love the pillow!
ReplyDeleteWhat a gorgeous pillow!! I loved your recollections on #1. Sounds like such an idyllic summertime!
ReplyDeleteHow wonderful to be able to spend several weeks each summer up at Big Bear! I know I would miss my blogging time :( Hope you had a nice lunch and that she loved her pillow.