I have moved one of the blue chairs in my living room to my family room, because it helps me to sit up straighter therefore easing some of the pressure on my lower back, which unfortunately is still bothering me. In case anyone thinks that I have actually MOVED the chair to this room so as to keep the vacuum lines in my carpet undisturbed by not being in there everyday in order to use the chair, let me assure you this is not the case. lol The chair in the family room gives me the added bonus of it being here at night while I am watching TV...All of my kids are VERY aware that I never watch TV during the day. I can't even really stand the sound of it on in the background. I find it depressing for some reason. Now in case you think I feel that way coming into your home, let me assure you I don't. As a matter of fact, when I find it on in someones home during the day I am usually secretly pleased as there is something "homey" and comfortable about it and I quickly am swept into the feel. ANYWAY, all of this is not what I even wanted to blog about, haha.....Today is such a beautiful day that I have my sliding glass door open and I am sitting in my chair in my new spot which is right by the door. I have been in and out of the chair as I am working laundry (was way behind on Chuck's) and in between I have been doing my bible study for Friday, answering my e-mails which I am sooo behind on, and occasionally popping on here to see if I am missing anything. I have found myself so relaxed with the "feel" of the out doors, I have contemplated a brief nap...haha Let me just try and describe it all for you. First off, there is a wonderfully cool breeze blowing gently through the screen. The afternoon sun is reflecting off the pool water that is crystal clear as the pool man was just here yesterday afternoon. There is a humming bird that flicks in and out of the picture as it looks for something to eat. Everywhere I gaze is filled with trees and flowers in bloom. I have found myself planning ahead to what I should do with the pots in the backyard for spring, which is clearly in the air. I hear at least two different kinds of birds chirping somewhat frantically, as though they can be understood by all who hear them...and in the background I hear the slow hum of the traffic out on Mountain as the cars swoosh by on their way to somewhere important. It is both familiar and comforting for some reason. Elvis has taken up his post laying by the screen door, no doubt pleased to be "by" someone, even if it is only me...he occasionally reports what he finds necessary with a bark or two, but mainly he is content to lay peacefully in slumber. Occasionally, all is silent but the slow clicking of the clock on the fireplace mantle. I was struck with a thought as I was enjoying all of this....How is it that there are people in this world who are convinced there is no God?? When you only have to look around at His creation, and the tiny little details that it includes, it makes it seem to me like there is no way you could ever deny His existence. From the smallest of insects to the tallest of trees...I am also always struck by this when I sit on the beach. The crashing of the surf on the shore is one of my favorite sounds, and the smell of the sea water in the air is beyond description in it's perfectness. I think I am going to purchase a chair very much like this one and put it permanently here in this spot. We can always use the extra seating whenever everyone is here as well, and then I have a feeling this spot will become a "new" favorite of mine...I think maybe I will take that brief nap now...
Oh how I love this time of year. The feel of a breeze through the house is wonderous. I sooo agree about seeing God in His creation. It's ridiculous to think otherwise. We had Dr. Norman Giesler at our church a couple of weeks ago and he summed it up perfectly. He said "I don't have enough faith to be agnostic".
ReplyDeleteGling Glad your on a wonder feel. I on the other hand was just thinking oh no it's spring, as with spring comes boiling weather that I am really just not up for... especially when the air in my car is broke. Side note to John, I don't think you can be repulsed by Mel's hidden cereal since "Mommy" does your laundry. MLOL J/K I am just jealous
ReplyDeleteThere is still snow on the ground here, but really just some piles where it was plowed. It is wonderful out though, and the time change adds to the feel! Is the moved chair temporary? (you know how I love a rearrangement story)
ReplyDeleteNo air in the car Donna would make me want to NEVER get in it..I run the air practically year round to one degree or another...and you know right after I typed that thing about John's laundry I figured he'd be in for a remark or two, haha, but just to set the record straight, my doing his laundry is included in the rent he pays. He's too annoying on how he never quite finishes the job with things left in the dryer etc. So my feeling is if I am going to deal with it anyway, might as well put into the price of the rent. So, as you can see, I'm not really the wonder mom in this instance afterall...haha
ReplyDeleteI really had already guessed about the laundry, just felt like being a brat! And I beg to differ on you saying you weren't a "wonder mom" you have only to look and see what a wonderful job you have done with all your kids!
ReplyDeleteThank you Donna, that's nice to hear every once in a while.... :)
ReplyDeleteAs for the chair Di I am thinking of leaving it here on Bible Study and then doing it in this room of course, so I can get opinions as to rather or not it looks like....chair sitting somewhere odd....haha If everyone thinks it looks OK, I "might" get some smallish type similiar chair for this room (not that I can afford it...hopefully Jeff won't read this before I "work" it, haha)as obviously this one matches the other one in the livingroom....Maybe I will take a pic of how it looks and out it on here so all can see...
ReplyDeleteYou have just accomplished my ultimate goal on here and that is pictures to go along with the story. I love it! And, I think, the chair looks good there.