Well, here I am again...Mel has left after her short visit, and as usual I am feeling somewhat down. We had a REALLY nice visit, and I am soo glad she came, but it is always so hard to see her walking off towards the airport entrance pulling her suitcase behind her. I had lots of time to visit and chat and catch up with her this time, and that was good, but it went really fast as usual. She and I went down to Fashion Island in Newport on Thursday and spent a few hours shopping around and had lunch...She tried on dresses, and swimsuits and the cutest jump suit....we didn't actually buy anything, but it was just like old times. Then we stopped by so Mel could see Jess for a little while, and as a bonus Larissa and Danae were there getting their hair done as well. We came home and Mel and I headed out for a nice dinner together and chewed and chewed to our hearts content. Jeff and John got home and we visited the rest of the night away. The next morning Mel met friends for breakfast, but was back in time for Bible study and lunch. Jimmy and Larissa came with the kids both to see Mel, and so that Jim could teach at our little Bible study as we begin the book of Ruth. John had the day off and was able to join us as well. Joe came by afterwards to join us for lunch and see Mel and we all visited until late afternoon. Then Mel & I & John headed out to meet Jeff for dinner and our wonder night seeing Britney Spears. The show was truly spectacular, and we were all VERY entertained. I have to say I actually enjoyed Mel enjoying her almost more than the concert itself. I'm sure she'd have much rather had Jess along with her, or at least someone who would have appreciated Britany as much as she did, but we all had such a good time, and the memory of her screaming and dancing and enjoying herself is one I will remember for a while. The next day she went to see her mother in law in the morning, then met her best friends for lunch....by the time she got back in the late afternoon we were all sooo beat from our late night the night before that we decided to lay down for brief naps....Later we barbecued, and then played on the Wee for a while. Mel went and met a few more old friends later that night, including Mike's sister Brooke. She had to be at the airport at 7 this morning and that was that...I still wonder just how it is that she has actually grown up, finished college, married, and moved 1000 miles away, but it is just what she has done. I am afraid it will always be hard and always seem like somehow things can't be quite right when she lives so far away and our lives have been changed to include just phone calls and occasional visits. But when she was here this time I asked her how happy she "really" was being married to Mike and living so far away from all of us....and she said, "I am happier than I ever dreamed I would or could be with Mike, and that makes living away from all of you much easier to take. I can't say I actually like where I live, and neither really does Mike, but we are VERY happy in spite of it and will be as long as we are together." Sooo, I guess if she is happy, then I am...it's all you really want for any of your kids after all. But I am STILL sad when the visits over and she heads back home, and I know I have to just wait patiently somehow till I see her face again, and we can spend time just being together...I am grateful that Mike understands and encourages her to visit whenever she wants to, and never complains or makes her feel guilty like she should really be there with him...probably just one of the many reasons he makes her so happy. She's coming again in late May which is really very close. This visit was unplanned, and just an added unexpected little bonus, so I have decided to focus on that, not whine, and look forward to seeing her soon.....Love you my Melly.....
You do have many things to be grateful for and Mike is one of them. How lucky you are to have such an understanding son-in-law. It was really enjoyable for me too, to see Mel this time. I feel like I saw her more than usual and it was really nice!